The Mortgage Loan in the Dominican Republic
Mortgages are “secured” loans. With a secured loan, the borrower promises collateral to the lender if they stop making payments. In the case of a mortgage, the insurance or guarantee is the home.
For the bank pre-qualify you, it needs to know your financial solvency. It requires that you show that you are capable of paying all the installments within the stipulated period, so it requests some documents.
This will depend on each banking institution, so you must ask the officer of the bank of your preference for the requirements to obtain the mortgage loan or simply leave it to your trusted real estate adviser who will help you in that process.
What requirements does the bank request to obtain for a mortgage loan?
Well, I tell you that the requirements depend on each case if you are Dominican or resident in the Dominican Republic or if you are Dominican absent or if you are a foreigner and reside in the United States, Canada, or Europe similar requirements, but with some differences.
In this case, I will tell you about foreigners residing in the United States.
We have 2 types of requirements.
The client’s requirements and the requirements of the property you are investing in, it is depending on the condition of the property or if it is resale property or a new construction property.
Remember, your Real Estate advisor can always help you.
These are the requirements for each of you.
1- Principal applicant has to fill it up an International Bureau Form. It has a cost of around $30. This is where you are giving the bank permission to verify your credit report.
2- Copy of the passport and residence.
3- Copy of your actual Social Security card
4- Copy of the last income tax and W2
These are the requirements you need to know about the property or real estate you interest in.
1-Title of the property you are interested in, and Real Property disclosure statement.
2-Contract Purchase Agreement: this will be the document that guarantees and certifies that you’ve started a purchase process for the property that is interested in buying.
3- Both parties should see that the title deed to the property is passed free of all liens and encumbrances.
4- IPI or property tax: this is a certification stating that the property you are interested in doesn’t have any charge pending with the State. Otherwise, you will not be able to transfer it to the buyer.
5-You must request an appraisal of the property from an appraiser authorized by the loan mortgage institution or the bank.
Through this appraisal, the property’s value will be disclosed and whether or not it justifies the amount of money you want to request from the bank.
This can be overwhelming, but remember that your real estate agent is the expert and can guide you through this procedure.
If the appraised value is less than the purchase price, lenders use that value to determine your LTV., LTV is a number of lenders use to determine how much risk they’re taking on with a secured loan.
Unless the seller agrees to lower the price, you will have to increase your down payment to be approved by the lender to get the loan mortgage.
Financial institutions in the Dominican Republic work with Dollars or Pesos whichever suits you best.
I make the recommendation if you generate in dollars to obtain a loan in dollars.
Now you are more prepared to invest in the Dominican Republic, but if you still have doubts, subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on social networks where you will continuously receive all the information you need to invest safely and in the Dominican Republic.